mattress counter
Plex - 07.28.03
submitter: E. Victor C.
location:St. Jamestown, Toronto, Canada
Nice retro pattern on the right-hand one.


evc commented on 07.30.03
this is freaking me out...

wim commented on 07.30.03
Hey tikifish, I started dreaming of you, but not in a psychodelic way, my mother in law once had curtains like that and I even think I once had simular wallpaper,but lucky me, never a school decorated as such. I hope you did not end up with (k)nightmares

Rebecca commented on 07.30.03
That brings back many nauseating memories, great find!

tikifish commented on 07.30.03
Ah yes, 70's 'SUPERGRAPHICS" come back to haunt us! My whole school was painted like that...

evc commented on 07.30.03
The round-black-thing mat does possess a rather classical quality. But I've never seen a mat as unabashedly bold as the one on the least not in person.

wim commented on 07.29.03
I prefer the one in the back, with the round forms, splendido!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christel commented on 07.29.03
Yes it is !!! Wooaaaaaw