mattress counter
It Makes Sense Some How - 07.28.03
submitter: E. Victor C.
location:St. Jamestown, Toronto, Canada
124 5453 w45 2 434 46 vt456 645 435 345 3trt34 5345 tt34 3345 345f 65634 t4
category:Seen Worse


evc commented on 07.30.03
a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, .... in diagonalization of irrational denumerabilty proof set zero.

wim commented on 07.30.03
does it mean : " I should never have spoken those sixteen words written by someone else who did not know"

Dirk commented on 07.30.03
never trust German foreign policy.

evc commented on 07.30.03
The secret to Cantor's continuum theory is encoded somewhere on this page?.!?

Christel commented on 07.30.03
You mean 124 5453 w45 2 434 46 vt456 645 435 345 3trt34 5345 tt34 3345 345f 65634 t4 ????? Just like me !!!

wim commented on 07.29.03
azr ytye ~rt z rer ry =+rty yrt ret e^%^er tert ++er eert ert( ytyer +r