mattress counter
Lost Mattress - 06.17.09
submitter: Bill, Alice & Glenda
location:Youngstown, Ohio
This is hilarious, the story behind this picture is so funny. Alice, her daughter Glenda and myself was following this truck to get a picture of this mattress. Suddenly the mattress fall of the truck right into the middle of the street. We were laughing our asses off and I told the girls to get out and I would take a picture of them sitting on it. There must have been 50 people watching us as they sat down and I took the picture. Talk about feeling like a total idiot. We drove off and left the mattress in the middle of the street.
category:People Keepin it Real


wim commented on 06.21.09
glenda looks like alice

wim commented on 06.21.09
see, even more complicated, now it is with glenda too