This is the very first Hamburger I found, since I arrived in my new city. Though Hamburg is a very green city, the mattresses flower only extremely rarely. Some say this species only does it once every century. I'll keep you informed.
Seen Worse
Ratzinger commented on 09.15.09
Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in sæcula sæculorum
McDonald commented on 09.15.09
This is no Hamburger, this is a mattress!
Frank commented on 09.13.09
And, Wim, by the way, it is noT "Nordschlewiger", it is "Nordschleswiger".
frank commented on 09.13.09
Yes, Wim, i bought a bike, and it is on the pic, leaning on the sign post. When I went to the German maintenance workshop, the Germans were laughing at it: "ach, ein Holländer" (Oh, a Dutch bike). Then I told them "Das ist kein Holländer, das ist ein Engländer" and they answered onverwijld "Das ist eben schlimmer". I thought that chauvinisme was a typical English trait, quod non!