mattress counter
Flowering Hamburger - Hamburg in Blühte - 09.09.09
submitter: Frank Compernolle
location:Norschleswigerstraße, Hamburg, Germany
This is the very first Hamburger I found, since I arrived in my new city. Though Hamburg is a very green city, the mattresses flower only extremely rarely. Some say this species only does it once every century. I'll keep you informed.
category:Seen Worse


Ratzinger commented on 09.15.09
Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in sæcula sæculorum

McDonald commented on 09.15.09
This is no Hamburger, this is a mattress!

Frank commented on 09.13.09
And, Wim, by the way, it is noT "Nordschlewiger", it is "Nordschleswiger".

frank commented on 09.13.09
Yes, Wim, i bought a bike, and it is on the pic, leaning on the sign post. When I went to the German maintenance workshop, the Germans were laughing at it: "ach, ein Holländer" (Oh, a Dutch bike). Then I told them "Das ist kein Holländer, das ist ein Engländer" and they answered onverwijld "Das ist eben schlimmer". I thought that chauvinisme was a typical English trait, quod non!

wim commented on 09.13.09
frank, it is nordschlewiger

wim commented on 09.13.09
frank, did you buy a bike?