I was taking a walk, and looked over and saw this wonderful sight! I went for the camera phone, but.. oh no! I didn't have it! I went all the way back to my place in the blazing South Carolina heat then back to the mat for this quick shot before it's owners came out and wondered what the heck I was doing taking a pic of their porch.
Seen Worse
wim commented on 06.24.12
I still am a fan of a woman like you, kara mba
wim commented on 09.29.09
I used to be a fan of both kind of Kara
Kara commented on 09.29.09
I'm a woman too.. another way I differ from Kara Ben Nemsi. lol
Kara Ben Nemsi commented on 09.29.09
haha.. Nice. I actually never left the sidewalk. It's an apartment complex.