mattress counter
Futon - 08.12.03
submitter: Pablo
location:Brighton, UK
Nice lady, damn fine mat too.
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 08.15.03
in that case they are good places to be alive

Salinger commented on 08.15.03
you'll probably find more mattresses in ineligible places.

wim commented on 08.15.03
Even in more or less democratic countries as Belgium, if you are not willing to follow instructions, chances of getting on eligible places on a list are nihil.

Salinger commented on 08.14.03
tell us more

wim commented on 08.14.03
I once was elected to public office, but my character was my own, so the office did not last for more than 6 years

Rebecca commented on 08.14.03
Well you could start carrying around a mattress with you, maybe then you'd become famous. You could be showered with gifts and talk show appearance offers, eventually being elected to public office.

wim commented on 08.14.03
not to me

Rebecca commented on 08.14.03
It's probably not the first time someone has pointed a camera at her under the guise of photographing a mattress on the street. It happens all the time you know.

Kevin37uk commented on 08.13.03
She doesn't look very happy

wim commented on 08.13.03
I admit, I am a curvelover, I admit, nice bosom

DIRTY STEVE commented on 08.13.03
nice mat

ChristineL commented on 08.13.03
Go ahead wim...admit you like the curve of her bosom.

wim commented on 08.13.03
I like the changings in colours, I suppose the red lord in the back of the pink lady is a resting gentlemanfuton. I also like the absence of straight lines, even in her hair.

ChristineL commented on 08.12.03
Did you kick her in the shin just before taking the picture? Poor lady looks like she's about to cry.