ok the van is in stokkem, in front of my gormer office, pitch dark and the one on the left, is a mattress on a trailer, I chased the trailer but did not dare to use a flash due to the opposite traffic, but I like the lines
Mats on da Move
wim commented on 02.06.10
Jaak, what a surprise, hotel Yoldi still exists
wim commented on 02.06.10
why sorry sorry Jaak, I have read the book and I once met Orson Welles in the same elevator, in hotel Yoldi the spanish town Pamplona, where my parents and I passed a few weeks with bulfighters during the encierra (ages ago, must have been when he was with Oja Kodar), a very impressive big man in those days
Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 02.06.10
Sorry Sorry 1938 The radio radio play War of the Worlds (HG Wells), later directed by the famous actor and director Orson Welles and broadcast by the CBS station caused great panic among American listeners lot.