mattress counter
classic classical - 05.19.10
submitter: robert kershaw
location:southern pines, north carolina
my sister-in-law Rachel and her husband Chris both play french horn with the North Carolina Symphony. They sent me this gem of the symphony truck at loading dock of the Robert E. Lee Auditorium. Grant Llewellyn, the conductor, is the large fellow on the left. He's from Tenby, Wales (Horse's neck of the woods). Rachel is in there blowing her horn up at the top.
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 05.20.10
robert, your sister dances while playing the first violin? no wonder

Smart Set commented on 05.20.10
Perhaps the matts are used to protect instruments in the truck.

robert k commented on 05.19.10
kind of doubt it but you never know about those classical musicians. (i can say this because my sister plays violin with the Canadian Opera Company as well as the National Ballet of Canada.)

Smart Set commented on 05.19.10
Classy. Did the matts belong to the orchestra?

robert k commented on 05.19.10
i think the use of the phrase is my Canadian sensibility shining through

Horse commented on 05.19.10
Grant looks proud of his matts.I like it and another MdM. BTW, Is 'neck of the woods' a much used phrase over your side of the pond ?