mattress counter
matts on the wall - 08.17.03
submitter: Art-chitect
location:Stokkem braderie, Belgium
No comment, just look for the signs
category:Sans Mattress


adam_cot commented on 01.09.04
I understand the meaning of the title, "sans mattress". you have no mattress. I just learned a little latin!

ChristineLarsen commented on 08.25.03
Sounds like fun, Wim. I thought this was inside instead of outside. Wow- let me know when you do another big showing against a house so I can come visit. Will you buy me a plane ticket?

wim commented on 08.24.03
I showed it just for fun. We live in a village with large ideas of artistic and other freedom and the neighbour across my office was a bit unhappy because the first night of projection, we used the wall of an empty house.He even put some paper in his window (first floor on the right) to have more white surface.We projected all my submissions and other pictures that made no sense from 9pm untill 2am, just for fun.And now he is very proud, he promised to put sheets against his windows next year.

tikifish commented on 08.21.03
This is a brilliant idea! I love it!

ChristineLarsen commented on 08.20.03
Cool wim. Did you show this at a big mattress presentation?

evc commented on 08.19.03