mattress counter
stromaton - 08.19.03
submitter: Art-chitect
location:Rethymnon, Crete
I wish I knew what a stromaton is, but four mats in a row is very stimulating


wim commented on 01.20.13
gwen missed the 2348 as the 148th missing

wim commented on 08.20.03
Efchariston poli

Frank commented on 08.20.03
"Strômatôn" is the genetive plural from "Strôma" and in classical Greek, that means "What is spread to sit or lay on it, lair, straw mattress, …" It is a derivative from the verb "strônnymi" that means to spread or to straw. It has the commun etymological root "STR" as found in the English straw and the Dutch "stro" or "strooien". In modern Greek, the irregular verb strônnymi became regular strônô and mattres means "strôma" (plural: strômata). A streetmattres is thus a "strôma tou hodou". By the way, is there anybody who could explain me which html-code to use to insert words in the greek alphabet?