On a classical tourism brochure, you wouldn't have rain and storm, sky would be bright blue and the beach would be plenty of sun bathing people. I prefer it My Way…
*Mattress de Milo*
robi.net commented on 09.08.03
and when I look through this dark sky, I find the moon on the left, and the sun on the right ; try to find them... you can...
wim commented on 08.24.03
son, if you do it on a beach, under a palm tree, better not on a mattress, it spils the sandy feeling
Frank commented on 08.22.03
And why am I stuck here in Liège? I want to go back to Thailand, Tikifish!
tikifish commented on 08.21.03
That is BEeeeautiful!!!!!
Why am I stuck here in Toronto? AAhh!
wim's son commented on 08.20.03
whaaaaaaauuuuw, you certainly did it....Myyyy Wayyyyy