mattress counter
Get out!!!! - 09.09.03
submitter: Hellvis
location:South Austin Texas
All you need to live on the street
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 01.30.09
I must have been sixteen or seventeen when I cvonsiderd this as an option in life

Rebecca commented on 09.11.03
Very interesting - each person sees something different. Personally, I'm curious about the rug. Could you unroll it so I can ger a better look?

The Minister commented on 09.09.03
Glad to see that these parents are trying to make another Modano.. oh wait... I guess they're giving up.

kerry commented on 09.09.03
amazing array of crap.well done. did you take any of it home?like the handbag or what looks like a turtle in a hat, back right?

kerry commented on 09.09.03
amazing array of crap.well done. did you take any of it home?like the handbag or what looks like a turtle in a hat, back right?

ChristineLarsen commented on 09.09.03
Whoa--I could stare at this picture for hours. So much to see.