Up, up and away, in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon!
*Mattress de Milo*
wim commented on 03.18.04
Nena " 99 Luftballons "
Salinger commented on 03.17.04
i agree. there's nothing quite like a fence leaning session; either with friends or by yourself, it doesn't really matter.
Rotten Scalyfish commented on 03.17.04
Quite true. Furthermore, both are analogous to my own life, growing up in warm, dry California, always with a sibling to pass time with, then later to Washington, away from the arid climate but also away from the family. Still always finding solace in fence-leaning.
Salinger commented on 03.17.04
And a very similar setting. The first, brighter matt rests on lushous grass whilst leaning against a wooden fence. The second, faded matt sits on land where the grass struggles to survive but leans against a wooden fence nonetheless.
Rebecca commented on 03.17.04
Hmm, interesting...indeed....
Rotten Scalyfish commented on 03.17.04
Very similar print to: