Why are the interesting matts nearly always hidden underneath ?
Seen Worse
wim commented on 12.01.11
as we all are btw
wim commented on 11.30.11
you're part of the aim, horse
Horse commented on 11.30.11
Fair enough. I wait to see your aim.
wim commented on 11.30.11
it would be a nice try, but I don't think I can wait that long, perhaps 2552 but that looks a bit ot of the question as I don't have a backlog and because of the gap of 182 pictures, I cannot have that much pictures, because all of you have to try the same thing, 2525 would not be bad although I don't like the song, but the other aim I am working on will probably be no problem
Horse commented on 11.30.11
Wim, are you going to try and match your 2500 with 25000 on the counter ? (Can you wait that long ?)
wim commented on 11.30.11
hey Horse, we are both 10 away from a new century
wim commented on 11.30.11
downstairs can be on top floor, the gold comes from within