mattress counter
dual downspouts - 03.16.12
submitter: robert kershaw
location:berkeley, california
or is that dueling drainpipes
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 03.18.12
if they were duelling they would be back to back, this is more an olympic position for a fosbury flop

Smart Set commented on 03.17.12
Thanks, guys. Yes, keeping on the move helps, but I can't keep going for long. Today has been better, though.

wim commented on 03.17.12
I got a bad back, by walking in the city of the pantheon

Horse commented on 03.17.12
That's not nice SS. Although, walking is one of the best things for a bad back.

robert k commented on 03.17.12
rest up, the matts will wait

Smart Set commented on 03.16.12
I know, rk. I was going to get my bike out of mothballs and go a-hunting, but I've done my back in and am currently limping about in pain, so it may be a day or so.

robert k commented on 03.16.12
your turn SS