Looks like someone is movin. This was one of 3 shots of the same scene, but this one made it with the Bus in the background. The kids were watching me with wonder.
Seen Worse
wim commented on 03.19.07
how is stevy nowadays?
pmills@killyourcomputer.org commented on 08.04.02
is that some mattress gang sign you're doing with your hand?
TRundle1762@rogers.com commented on 08.04.02
On day kids you will be one of us.
p.page@which.net commented on 03.26.02
Due to their persistent mooning and rude songs, the school bus driver no longer stops for Sean Worse 'The Matress' and his hard mates: 'The Stove' 'The Fridge' and 'The Sofa'
queencvn74@yahoo.com commented on 03.19.02
This busstop comes complete with stove sofa and matress, all for your kids comfort and enjoyment.