mattress counter
la casa di adelina - 09.13.12
submitter: wim rutten
location:monticchiello pienza, italy
while I was discussing engines with an elderly italian about his 1953 fiat topolino the man with the matt walked into my frame and was very willing to pause and pose, mille grazie
category:People Keepin it Real


wim commented on 09.13.12

wim commented on 09.13.12
I did not have a look at their site, we were in montepulciano at the hotel panoramic, and looking at their site right now, they exaggerate a bit. Even here because they really speak about a "bad and breakfast" "ascolatre music", yes he smiles like a Francis

Smart Set commented on 09.13.12
Maybe he is Francis, who, according to the House of Adelina website "will meet your every need during your stay." But then it is "an intimate bad & breakfast".