mattress counter
Good Point - 07.08.13
submitter: Smart Set
location:S. Acton, London, UK
Blazing hot day here in Actonia.
category:People Keepin it Real


wim commented on 11.07.13
and cheers to you, ss

wim commented on 11.07.13
thanks robert

robert k commented on 11.07.13
i've been following the countdown too. i think it is a really cool thing.

Smart Set commented on 11.07.13
Cheers, wim!

wim commented on 11.06.13
the point is that it is always a good point, no matter when, the point is you are a fine bloke, SS, miles and miles away, as far as the diesel can get us, as glorious as a watchmaker, make me a watch, congrats on everything. Ring the bell for the 10.000th comment and be happy for over a lifetime

wim commented on 07.08.13
he does not mind