mattress counter
Togetherness - 10.03.13
submitter: wim rutten
location:lomé, togo
claude presides an international organisation to help children in togo, we met in rome last weekend and he had some nice pictures for me, a gift, thank you, claude!
category:*Mattress de Milo*


Neato commented on 12.06.13
The middle two would look great in a Pool.

EZ commented on 10.08.13
Love it! What a treat.

robert k commented on 10.08.13
fun pic. MdM for sure

wim commented on 10.05.13
thank you Jaak

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 10.04.13
Wim, congrats

wim commented on 10.04.13
and matt of the moment! a great feeling

wim commented on 10.03.13
wow thank you folks, it was intended to be 3700 on the move. but a mdM is so much nicer