mattress counter
Lazy Fishy Matty - 12.18.13
submitter: Smart Set
location:Acton, London, UK
There are plenty more lazy fish in the sea.
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 12.22.13
I am not surprised to know you knew I knew, you know

Smart Set commented on 12.22.13
I knew you knew I knew, you know.

wim commented on 12.22.13
I know you knew

Smart Set commented on 12.21.13
I knew what you meant, but no, I've never met Neato.

wim commented on 12.21.13
I am not surprised by your answer, SSo, but the realo questiono was neato, did you evero meeto neato?

Smart Set commented on 12.21.13
I haven't met U2, but I did meet Brian Eno once.

wim commented on 12.21.13
U2, have U met?

Smart Set commented on 12.20.13
Not surprising. If you're on a bike you want to be looking at the road ahead, not up there. Stay safe, Neato!

Neato commented on 12.20.13
This sums up Acton pretty well. I ride by this place daily, weird how I missed this one.

wim commented on 12.19.13
fish know, zappa is ok, this is a film, Iggy pop, my number one favourite