Getting a bit of Sun, And we will be on our way soon as I see the Tow Truck has arrived, A shocking place to put a Pole.
*Mattress de Milo*
Maarten commented on 10.31.04
Thanks Rotten even I didn't notice that!
Rotten Scalyfish commented on 03.17.04
Has no one noticed the perfectly manicured lawn?
flanelhed commented on 11.19.03
matresses shouldn't sun tan near a roadway
ChristineLarsen commented on 11.17.03
Just gotta say, what an awesome shot!
wim commented on 11.11.03
It most certainly is an economic use of road facilities. I am amazed to see that even in Australia they till have poles and wires. Exquisite picture, but Steve's way of saying it is neater.
dirty steve commented on 11.11.03
i love your work
O.P.P. commented on 11.11.03
Those Stupied kids and there mattress bike jump, look what they did.
The truck hit the mattress and flipped over.
Wait till the parents get the bill.
Kevin37uk commented on 11.11.03
Thats not the way to park a truck. That driver needs training again.