Either this mattress took a trip down the slide or kids these days can't take the high impact workout of sliding. Either way, its a pathetic sight. Love the benches though.
*Mattress de Milo*
wim commented on 04.07.07
like a rainbow but not in tyhe right sequence; roggbiv as we say in dutch
ChristineL29@hotmail.com commented on 04.06.02
"Isn't it amazing the extent the city parks go nowadays to protect themselves from lawsuits."
There. Had to fix my last comment or it wouldn't driven me to the brink of insanity leaving it out there for all the world to see, riddled with grammatical errors.
adam@streetmattress.com commented on 04.03.02
Coming soon.... MS Mattress 1.0... Where do YOU want to sleep today?... (fewer bugs than previous products)