I have no idea of the actual velocity this matt was travelling at when it impacted this building. Needless to say it must have been booking.
Seen Worse
wim commented on 08.02.09
a colle hose
AXtheWISE commented on 11.17.03
"and last nights massive windstorms yielded 15 injured and over 50 dead. Officials account this to blunt force trauma to the head with pink flower mattresses. Next on channel 3 news, which came first... the chicken or the egg... up next..."
Kevin37Uk commented on 11.13.03
You wouldn't have thought a single mattress fart could be so destructive.
Salinger commented on 11.13.03
WOW, this is the most destructive streetmatt I've ever seen!
O.P.P. commented on 11.13.03
Look it's College Housing, asi the sign says.
It must have been one hell of a party last night.