mattress counter
Conducting Traffic - 08.20.16
submitter: EZ
location:Istanbul, Turkey
Taking pics on the DL
category:Seen Worse


EZ commented on 09.13.16
I have never been so confused by the comments :)

wim commented on 09.07.16
good by Dirty Steve

wim commented on 09.07.16
sorry I was wrong, there are 9 unpair numbers left and 8 pair, so it has to be an unpair, and 4321 does not make 7 but 1, sorry EZ

wim commented on 09.07.16
btw this one is double prime 329

wim commented on 09.07.16
read you soon

wim commented on 09.07.16
so, EZ it is up to you : either I'll comment on the EY, or on the EV

wim commented on 09.07.16
EY in the name is closer to EZ than EV in the name.

wim commented on 09.07.16
there are 2 sevens remaining : 2887 and 4231 and one of yours

wim commented on 09.07.16
adding numbers gives 34 for this one, or 7 to ultimate.

wim commented on 09.07.16
not one of yours, EZ, as there are 9 pair numbers, and 8 unpair, it has to be pair to be fair

wim commented on 09.07.16
this is noyt just a "seen worse" but a good shot, even better it is a double prime, yout fifth, 29959 submission number, 28927 on the counter, time to strike out another uncommented oldie