After what has seemed like a dry spell that just won't cease, this lonely little guy peeked up at me from behind the safety of his tree. At last, my dry spell has been broken....
Seen Worse
Mallinger Ravisworthton commented on 01.11.04
This is a tree and a mattress.Im just saying what i see.
Salinger commented on 01.04.04
and not a squirrel in sight!
ChristineLarsen commented on 01.04.04
Maybe someone tried to, Steve. I bet there's an old pile of bones at the base of the tree too.
dirty steve commented on 01.04.04
i wonder if anyone has surfed down the hill on that matrress?
some one should try and get a picture of that!
Rebecca commented on 01.03.04
You know, as many times as I have made love under a tree, I have never felt protected by x-mas while doing so.
wim commented on 01.03.04
Like a fool on a hill (perhaps you all are to young to remember), anyway, I would make love on the same side of the tree, it gives a great x-maslike protection
DVD Dan commented on 01.02.04
I didn't know you had a mafia presence in the NorthWest. I bet that caddy trunk has lots of stories.