Unusable, Orkney seems to have many street mattresses- some of which we have sat on but this is well beyond that!
wim commented on 12.19.05
how come I missed this one? Very splendid ntor
smile commented on 02.20.04
kool picture surprised you found 1 in Orkney nice offit
Rachel commented on 02.19.04
matted not mattress although a mini mattress - yeah. I like that! tee hee
Nigel Wilson commented on 02.19.04
That isnt Orkney !! It isnt raining. There is no snow or hail. Is that a piece of the mattress in your hair ?
ChristineLarsen commented on 02.19.04
I give you credit--well dressed for the occasion!
Rachel commented on 02.19.04
Subtle behind the coat point! No actually - straight to the point, no point. A first effort, 3/10 must try harder. Next time I will point! Thanks for the comment!
Salinger commented on 02.18.04
has the point been digitally edited out? or is it one of those subtle behind the coat points?
qotsa fan commented on 02.17.04
not bad, like the contrast between the scruffy mattress and the outfit you have on!