mattress counter
Incognito - 02.23.04
submitter: ian parkes
location:Orono On Canada
I was just returning home from x-country skiing, dropping of the brother in law
when i saw this one trying to hide.
The in law didnt know about streetmattress so the whole
thing kinda freaked him out.
like hitting the brakes turning around and hunting through my pack for the camera


robert k commented on 10.31.09
Neil Young was either born or grew up in Orono

wim commented on 10.31.09
Robert, Canada seems to be a fine place to dwell

Rebecca commented on 02.24.04
I think nobody responded any sooner because they were all out looking for mattresses. Not unmanageably, of course.

ian commented on 02.24.04
its an addiction ONLY if you admit its a addiction :)

ian commented on 02.24.04
yes, agreed, a keen eye is a must for hunting snow mattys

Rebecca commented on 02.23.04
People who ride with me have to get used to that really fast. Hey, it's not easy to find mattresses in the snow.