Whilst browsing through the M & C Saatchi website (they're an advertising agency), I decided to have a look at some of the adverts they've made for their clients. Imagine my joy when I was greeted by this British Airwaves advert.
streetmattress in media
ChristineLarsen commented on 02.28.04
NICE find, Sal baby. Look--they even have their own nightstand and lamp! With a few Valium, I could sleep there for hours.
DVD Dan commented on 02.28.04
Now that's the way to travel overseas. Now if I could just win the lottery.
Rebecca commented on 02.28.04
p.s. I would never stage a mattress shot and you know it.
Rebecca commented on 02.28.04
Did you watch the video? My bed is just fine actually. I need to spend more time there.
wim commented on 02.28.04
how do you know it is a guy Rebecca ? Ans what is wrong with your bed ? Don't tell me you travel around with a spare mattress, just to shoot pictures, with our without your lovely sister.
Rebecca commented on 02.28.04
Cool! I wanna be like that guy with a truly flat bed.