This mattress looks good enough to keep, wasnt it durable enough ?
Seen Worse
wim commented on 11.24.09
durability is another discussion
Rebecca commented on 03.03.04
Tragically yes, although I know this is shocking to hear. Amazingly, this has not led to relationship problems.
Salinger commented on 03.03.04
I hope that's never happened...
Rebecca commented on 03.03.04
I'll tell you what - bypassing a mattress shot because he's in a hurry!
Nigel Wilson commented on 03.03.04
I have a loving wife who is amazed about my interest in abandoned mattresses. She recently phoned me to let me know where I could find one. What greater love is there for a wife to tell her husband where he can take a photo of a mattress?
ChristineLarsen commented on 03.03.04
I love your aggressive point, Nigel. So married....