This little guy was leaning against his place of residence. I have a feeling he won't be going back inside.
Seen Worse
Rebecca commented on 03.12.04
No I didn't see that yet. I actually spent far too much time on that website but now I'll have to go back.
Salinger commented on 03.12.04
you actually looked up the website!!! you're so cool. Yes, Judith and Igor are nice but they didn't suit my face as well as Jules. I was tempted by the Isabell model but decided they were a little too big. Did you see the film showing how the hinges work?
Rebecca commented on 03.12.04
Those are very nice glasses, Salinger. Jules is an excellent choice, although I might have gone with Judith or maybe Igor or even John for fancy dress nights.
ChristineLarsen commented on 03.11.04
Hmm..don't recall a contact discussion but I have to say that I'd be too chicken (pardon the pun) to put anything in my eye. I believe my eye sight to be better than 20/20 when I'm out mattress hunting. I amaze everyone with my keen eye for the fabriced ones.
Salinger commented on 03.11.04
you told me it was the contacts. i like those contacts.
Rebecca commented on 03.11.04
Oh...and I thought it was the contacts. Maybe it was just colored contact flashbacks.
ChristineLarsen commented on 03.11.04
Oh that silly ol picture is just me having fun with the hue on the photo software.
Rebecca commented on 03.11.04
Oh, blue contacts - that would explain why your face is kind of greenish-blue on your webpage, right?
ChristineLarsen commented on 03.10.04
Are you talking to me, Sal-o-mine? I don't have contacts but I'd love to have a set of those type that have the little slit, like cat eyes. Maybe Michael Jackson will lend me his from the Thriller video?
Salinger commented on 03.10.04
do you still have those blue contacts?
ChristineLarsen commented on 03.10.04
20/20s BA-BY!
Salinger commented on 03.09.04
as it happens, my new glasses arrived last Saturday. They're ic! berlins... very nice. (model jules incase you're interested)
wim commented on 03.09.04
you look as if your eyesight is far better than mine
Salinger commented on 03.09.04
lucky there were black arrows hanging from the roof.