mattress counter
Expletives!!!! - 04.12.04
submitter: ChristineLarsen
location:Tacoma, Washington
Tacoma, at least this portion of Tacoma, is infamous for it's drive-by shootings and general gang-related activities. So even though I realize there are probably many-a-mattress on it's streets, I typically drive past this neighborhood. Not this week however. I drove through and spied this man (yes, it's a man) moving this mattress across the street. He appeared to be physically straining to get the thing back onto the lawn. I took the picture, hoping to get a better shot as I drove closer, but then began to hear him yelling at my car. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him pointing at my car, yelling. I stepped on the gas and didn't look back.


wim commented on 01.25.10
I got flashed yesterday and wanted to yell at the car too

ChristineLarsen commented on 04.30.04
Oh, you're so kind, wim. I wish I'll take red anything about now!

wim commented on 04.30.04
I wish you a pair of red pants and a red car for your birthdau Christine, even if I am within the week late, it still counts, as long as it is the same month.Perhaps he yelled at you because he thought you were deaf. Allways look at the bright side of life.