mattress counter
Oscar's Corner - 04.13.04
submitter: Becca & David
location:Northampton, England
Neglected mattress with friends from the kitchen


wim commented on 01.29.10
two people, one submission, what a shape, unless they have another passion by now

ure lil sis Katrina :) commented on 04.28.04
ello becca n david if u read this ! luv the mattress :P v. ... urm homey. c ya soon ure lil sis xx

Erin commented on 04.26.04
I think it's a classic break-up case. Throw out the man, and then throw out all his appliances, remembering to first soil the bed in a suitably theraputic manner...

Erin commented on 04.26.04
I think it's a classic break-up case. Throw out the man, and then throw out all his appliances, remembering to first soil the bed in a suitably theraputic manner...

MarkGustav commented on 04.14.04
Looks like this microwave (and is that a toaster?) is trying to burrow its way into the mattress. I've heard of this. It's called nesting and all microwaves do it.