Would our rhymes get better if we did? Or maybe we would just lose the ability altogether.
dirty steve commented on 05.07.04
FOD40UK commented on 05.07.04
Three four oh
that ole mattress just gotta go
Rebecca commented on 05.07.04
Three three six matts and tricks
wim commented on 05.06.04
three three seven
matts in heaven
FOD40UK commented on 05.06.04
Three three eight
matts and a gate
DVD Dan commented on 05.06.04
I prefer unroasted walnuts - thank you very much.
wim commented on 05.05.04
you can get your walnuts tanned, Dan, your live in the street pictures are far better than the unreal out of medialand
FOD40UK commented on 05.05.04
You can always get nekkid(tho not always the most attractive option)
Rebecca commented on 05.05.04
FOD40UK, try 36 degrees C for a while and you might quickly change your mind and beg for mercy. After all, when it's chilly you can always put on more clothes, but what can you do about unendurable heat?
dirty steve commented on 05.05.04
central victoria today, frost in the morning and a fine and sunny 16 degrees.........
ART-chitect commented on 05.05.04
We went on a holiday weekend and after 30 minutes we had a hailstorm...every car stood still on the highway..but the next two days we had about 18°C ...that's Belgium!
FOD40UK commented on 05.05.04
We can expect a max of 10 deg C today in "sunny" Lancashire,you lucky Californian devils!
Rebecca commented on 05.05.04
Last week we were all withering in the heat. Then I went to Atwater (near Merced) for the weekend, which was blazing! I was lucky to survive. Currently the temperature is more reasonable here, thank goodness.
DVD Dan commented on 05.04.04
Nope, same timepiece I've had since '84.
So has it been hotter than Hell up your way this week?