mattress counter
Angry resident 2 - 05.12.04
submitter: FOD40UK
location:York rd blackpool UK
The day after I went to get a clearer shot of the matts and a third one had appeared.Obviously,word had got around that the council were removing them free.Tee-Hee!
category:The Untouchables!


wim commented on 03.05.10
masons are very inventive

ART-chitect commented on 05.13.04
Hotel California was on a juke-box while I left a restaurant in NY, I sang it further in my head while walking "home" on a quiet NY-evening.....waauwh

Rebecca commented on 05.13.04
Everybody sing along!

"Welcome to the junky pile-o-stuff yard..."

ChristineLarsen commented on 05.13.04
When they went to the brick store, did they really think this big gray things were a MATCH?

FOD40UK commented on 05.12.04

FOD40UK commented on 05.12.04

DVD Dan commented on 05.12.04
"Hotel California" - Eagles

FOD40UK commented on 05.12.04
This could be heaven,this could be hell.

DVD Dan commented on 05.12.04
Could that bricked up doorway lead to HELL?