After years of use by the scurge of the 7 seas, Old Crusty was laid to rest in Oxford, to live out the rest of it's years moulding and festering like the scurvy-ridden flesh of it's former occupants.
Seen Worse
wim commented on 03.20.10
wich reminds me I cannot sing
Rebecca commented on 06.07.04
Which reminds me of a Tom Waits song, "Singapore."
Ken commented on 06.07.04
Reminds me of a sea shanty me old gran-pappy used to sing:
Cape Cod girls ain't got no combs
Haul away, haul away
They brush their hair with codfish bones
And we're bound away for Australia
So heave away, me bully, bully boys
Haul away, haul away
Heave her up and don't you make a noise
And we're bound away for Australia
Cape Cod kids ain't got no sleds
They slide down the hills on the mats of their beds
Cape Cod girls ain't got no frills
They tie their hair with codfish gills
Cape Cod cats ain't got no tails
They lost them all in the northeast gales
wonderdog commented on 06.07.04
aye aye matey
wim commented on 05.20.04
is the miss missing something?
blue commented on 05.18.04
well shiver me timbers,i haven't seen Ol Crusty in years!