Our first Mexican mattress happens to be in REALLY bad shape - the locals won't even take it. It's the light-colored pile by the back wall.
The Untouchables!
Rebecca commented on 05.23.04
FOD, Tijuana is "lively" indeed, just watch out. I was in the line to re-enter the U.S. with a man who was literally hysterical after having been robbed by the police.
Wim, just the mattress is "sabrosa" as far as I know - I didn't taste anything else.
wim commented on 05.23.04
Andwhy is it Sabrosa, becuse of the nice yellow flowers, the different shades of white, the writing on the wall "Eklabebte"
FOD40UK commented on 05.23.04
Hey,isnt Tijuana supposed to be a bit "lively"?Its one of the places I said I'd visit before I pop my clogs(an old Lancashire saying)Y'all be careful out there!