Can ring stains from bedwetting function like the rings of a tree?
The Untouchables!
wim commented on 09.18.07
folks, go to lds2007 dot be and see the pictures of last sundays magnificant party
Lindsay commented on 01.12.04
That's disgusting. Look at the one in the corner. He must have been sitting on it, which would imply that he was conscious.
wlad commented on 07.14.03
all matresses were like this in the army. in fact, this one could be considered "good". most of our mattresses were either badly torn or ripped open to form a slit, then urrr.. violated by lonely guys.
tom commented on 11.01.02
woops I meant bladder.....sorry ruined everything damn!
tom commented on 11.01.02
Well the rings do get larger as I suppose the wee boy's kidney's grew commented on 09.29.02
Is this the "Turin Mattress"?. Surely one for the Vatican!
Ug commented on 09.26.02
Someone was trying to pee the Scifi logo into the mattress. commented on 06.28.02
I see a little boy (stain on left) throwing a pie in his grandpa's face (center). The red on top represents anger coming out of his ears. You know, this is really gross. I feel like I need to go wash my hands. commented on 06.27.02
Whoa, the "owner" of the mattress sure must have a big bladder to soak the mattress and create such big stains .... poor mattress, must be stinking like hell .... wonder what happened to it???? commented on 06.27.02
I see 2 galaxies colliding. commented on 06.27.02
I'm seeing two Japanese ghosts and a penis. With some clouds.