Outside number 455 Canterbury street we have a fine example of a mattress waiting for something to happen. It'll probably die of boredom though.
Seen Worse
wim commented on 03.31.10
a good job of restauration, except for the white piping, looks pied
Kevin37uk commented on 05.31.04
Canterbury Street has various levels of interest. However you are right if you live here the monotony wastes away your soul. Hey Christine you've not submitted for sometime. What's happened, has everyone been taking their matt's to the dump?
ChristineLarsen commented on 05.29.04
That's monotony.
ChristineLarsen commented on 05.29.04
I've got to say that's the most mundane, boring section of street I've ever seen in my life. Even the garbage bags are wasting away from the sheer montony.
FOD40UK commented on 05.27.04
Tell it to move oop North.(if Kent is the garden of England,then Lancashire is the draughty outside loo)