mattress counter
Crackhouse Matt - 06.23.04
submitter: Ernesto Morrison
location:Denver, CO
Just another matt sacrificed in the war on drugs.
category:Dumpster Divers


Smart Set commented on 03.21.06
Not the first time this pic's been spammed either. Must be the word "crackhouse" that does it. commented on 02.16.06
Hi. You have very nice website! Beautiful design and very interesting content. commented on 02.16.06
Hi. You have very nice website! Beautiful design.

Bored of Bristol commented on 01.17.06
How tragic. Move on.

ART commented on 11.21.05
as if we can be influenced by some stupid SPAM, we are an independent group of people who are very critical

DVD Dan commented on 11.21.05
Hey - thanks for the SPAM

wim commented on 06.28.04
It sure is, "do not fill above this..." SPLASH

ART-chitect commented on 06.28.04
this is art, a statement!

Erin commented on 06.23.04
They filled above this line. No respect for the regulations :)

Rebecca commented on 06.23.04
Is that its life blood spewing upwards in a pink fountain?