Vogon, I read your ironing pun with de-creasing amusement...
Vogon3 commented on 01.25.05
you had a presssing engagement
Smart Set commented on 01.25.05
I'm a bit late - been ironing.
Vogon3 commented on 01.25.05
Ah Smart set online?
Smart Set commented on 01.25.05
I agree.
Vogon3 commented on 01.25.05
This should have been a "de milo"
blue commented on 07.07.04
Reminds me of one of our neighborhood hobos(er um,I mean domicile challenged people) with the crazy hair and shaggy beard.
FOD40UK commented on 07.06.04
I was thinking more"hula-hula matt"(welcome to Hawaai)but now i've read your comment Rebecca,I can see exactly what you mean(hope I dont have B-movie nightmares-again!)
Rebecca commented on 07.06.04
This resembles some very strange and creepy big-lipped monster from a low budget 60s horror movie.