mattress counter
escorting the prime minister - 07.12.04
submitter: wim rutten
location:Diest, Belgium
The mat is in the back of the car, and I do have a better shot of the mat to proove it, but as I chased it, coincidence helped, the bulktransport has the same name as our prime minister, and is at the look of it escorted by a motor, what more luck is there to have.
category:Mats on da Move


wim commented on 07.24.04
I am glad you are back son, as for all of you, Q-bus was a code we used in a search of something for someone.

FOD40UK commented on 07.23.04
Good guess,DAN

DVD Dan commented on 07.22.04
I think someone's been Googling.

FOD40UK commented on 07.22.04
Isn't a TCR10 a conveyor toaster?

DIRTY STEVE commented on 07.22.04
one could only hope

Rebecca commented on 07.22.04
Is a Q-bus anything like a TCR 10?

ART-chitect commented on 07.21.04
dad, coming home, in a few hours plain is leaving, found NO Q-bus, maybe in airport??? see you tomorrow

dirty steve commented on 07.16.04
no i am not a trucker

wim commented on 07.15.04
Are you a trucker, Steve? We have great truckersongs, things like "Met de vlam in de pijp scheur ik door de Brennerpas"

dirty steve commented on 07.15.04
it is the model name for the wagon

DVD Dan commented on 07.15.04
I don't either.

wim commented on 07.14.04
steve, I don't get it

dirty steve commented on 07.14.04
TCR 10