The mat is in the back of the car, and I do have a better shot of the mat to proove it, but as I chased it, coincidence helped, the bulktransport has the same name as our prime minister, and is at the look of it escorted by a motor, what more luck is there to have.
Mats on da Move
wim commented on 07.24.04
I am glad you are back son, as for all of you, Q-bus was a code we used in a search of something for someone.
FOD40UK commented on 07.23.04
Good guess,DAN
DVD Dan commented on 07.22.04
I think someone's been Googling.
FOD40UK commented on 07.22.04
Isn't a TCR10 a conveyor toaster?
DIRTY STEVE commented on 07.22.04
one could only hope
Rebecca commented on 07.22.04
Is a Q-bus anything like a TCR 10?
ART-chitect commented on 07.21.04
dad, coming home, in a few hours plain is leaving, found NO Q-bus, maybe in airport??? see you tomorrow
dirty steve commented on 07.16.04
no i am not a trucker
wim commented on 07.15.04
Are you a trucker, Steve? We have great truckersongs, things like "Met de vlam in de pijp scheur ik door de Brennerpas"