Okay fine, let's have our first annual streetmattress convention right there, on the dusty roadside across the street from this house. You will all be sorry when the cows come home.
noel commented on 07.27.04
what's wrong with eating grasshoppers?
FOD40UK commented on 07.27.04
Sounds cool!Anyway,isn't it past your bedtime!!!
Rebecca commented on 07.27.04
If you lived here, you would be a slave to the Cow and the Television. You would also grow hair on your palms and run around at night eating grasshoppers to impress your friends.
FOD40UK commented on 07.27.04
It looks idillic to me,after Lancashire's grimy back-to-back terraces.I suppose one man's Mini is another man's Rolls Royce!
Rebecca commented on 07.27.04
Stay away from the Curse of El Nido! You will be afraid!
ChristineLarsen commented on 07.27.04
It is just me? It doesn't look so bad there. At least they keep their grass mowed.
Rebecca commented on 07.26.04
No, no, I was afraid!
wim commented on 07.26.04
couldn't yu get any closer, it looks like a "partouse"