mattress counter
2522 Santa Ana Ave - 08.04.04
submitter: DVD Dan
location:Santa Ana Heights, California
category:Dumpster Divers


wim commented on 05.07.09
that easy? google pictures or internet?

Smart Set commented on 05.07.09
Just googled it.

wim commented on 05.07.09
how do you keep track, ss?

Smart Set commented on 05.07.09
Here, too.

Rebecca commented on 08.09.04
But mine was funnier... *hangs head in disappointment*

DVD Dan commented on 08.09.04
Ding Ding Ding Mr. FOD wins again!

FOD40UK commented on 08.09.04
More Than A Touch Of Green......Gee,I've finally found something I'm good at!

Rebecca commented on 08.09.04
Mad try at tickling Old Green.

DVD Dan commented on 08.08.04
Nice try, but no cigar.

noel commented on 08.08.04
matt thrown against tip of obnoxious green

DVD Dan commented on 08.07.04
Not even close - and it isn't Mattress Trash Authority either.

Rebecca commented on 08.06.04
Oh, that's easy. Massachusetts Transit Authority, obviously.