mattress counter
brussels airport - 09.18.04
submitter: ART-chitect
location:Brussels, Belgium
They sold there ground for big money to an electrical company, the people weren't at home but the dog was; he made a lot of noice but was harmless, as was the airplane in the left uppercorner
category:Seen Worse


ART commented on 10.06.05
indeed, life can have strange paths

Smart Set commented on 10.06.05
It was me, ART. Someone you'd never heard of.

dirty steve commented on 10.10.04

DVD Dan commented on 09.28.04
see I told you wim 5k

Salinger commented on 09.25.04
congratulations ART. a great achievement. good luck on your quest for the next 100.

DVD Dan commented on 09.22.04
We have a good shot at reaching it this month.

wim commented on 09.22.04
let's all try to reach the 5000th submission in october

ART-chitect commented on 09.22.04
all those nice words! it is really overwelming! thanks...I wonder who is going to reach 1000 first

dirty steve commented on 09.21.04
well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DVD Dan commented on 09.21.04
Welcome to Club Triple!

wim commented on 09.20.04
welcome to the triploids and hurray for your centennial

wim commented on 09.20.04
you are so right, but admit it, we are trying to make it a good show

ART-chitect commented on 09.20.04
I just wanted to throw this one back on top of the pile because I was overwelmed by the nrs 1-2-3-4 cause they are fighting for their positions, the little guy is there the victim.