The Stain! The glowing sign! The strategically placed hand over someone's license plate. All the elements came together for this one.
*Mattress de Milo*
wim commented on 12.26.06
14 to go commented on 03.18.02
Are you certain that it was the former owner & not the murderer? commented on 10.29.01
Oh my friend, you are SOOOOooo wrong. This one was an absolute hands off! Do you really think I would actually TOUCH this nAsty stained single? Also as I was finishing taking this picture, I looked over at the house it was in front of to find the verticle blinds in their front window swaying to and fro as the former mattress owner was peering with... curiosity, embarassment. Pffff... Who cares. He was the winner who propt it up against a dead end sign for all to see! commented on 10.29.01
obvious posed commented on 08.04.01
A hole in it's heart, it came to it's end, dead.
MOJOHUN@EXCITE.COM commented on 07.29.01
THIS IS A BIT OFF commented on 07.29.01
hi commented on 07.28.01
I can't decide if that is a stain in the center of the mattress or if its just sweating. It is Florida after all.