Picture this-it is 10:30pm. I am driving home from work at my normal breakneck speed, went around a sharp bend on the off ramp and I ran over a MATTRESS-damn, I almost sh!t in my pants. To go back was a 5 mile round trip and at any other time of the day I would have jumped at the opportunity, but even Pablo gets tired sometimes:-( So I planned on returning early the next morning, of course it was gone but it left this skin discarded by the roadside.
Sans Mattress
wim commented on 11.02.07
would be a find the mattress nowadays
will commented on 08.21.04
thats so sad...
doris commented on 08.16.02
this reminds me of a shed snake skin I found in the back yard
ChristineL. commented on 08.05.02
I believe mattress skinning is illegal in some states.
TRundle1762@rogers.com commented on 08.04.02
M.I.B. was looking for this space monster.
He is from the planet of bad backs.