mattress counter
Midget Mattress - 08.14.02
submitter: ChristineL
location:Port Orchard, WA
No offense to the "Little People" out there but...well, I think I found your mattress.


wim commented on 11.04.07
frank, that was ages ago!

Frank commented on 07.10.03
Did we all forget this beautiful mattress that once has been the most commented one?

ssertam commented on 01.03.03
OK. This site is way too funny!! Found it today (not really sure how!!!) and haven't stopped looking. Thought it was probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life but, you really grows on you after a while. You folks are all too funny with your comments! The only problem I have is there are no streetmettresses from Ottawa!!!! And there are a few laying around here. Belee dat!! So, as soon as I get that dig-cam I've been looking at I'm on it. I'm going to be the best Dam Street Mattress Photographer in the land!!!! You'll see. You will all worship me....I will be the street-Mat King of the Universe!! Hmmmm...see, it really does grow on you! so keep your eyes peeled to this site cause I'm coming back with some of the most beautiful photo art any of you have ever laid eyes on! may have won this one...but I'm coming....Oh yes! I'm coming!! Your little "Mini-Matt" will pale by comparison!! Nice find though! Cheers all.....back soon.

Olive commented on 12.20.02
Wait.. this mat is too perfect.Stand back, any moment now it's going to explode and wipe out the whole block.

Tonya commented on 11.23.02
Do they really still make the mattresses with the handles on the side? Poor little guy looks scared and lonely.

Maarten69v commented on 10.28.02
I only hope that He or She is using a Suntan lotion greater than SF15, commented on 09.23.02
I told him smoking will stunt his size, look what happen!!

ChristineL commented on 09.20.02
Your comments, your stories--I feel the comradary. Even best friend, Deb, joins the crowd and brings a tear to my eye. I love you guys! I love streetmattress! Oh God, where's a tissue?

debz32 commented on 09.18.02
I must admit, this woman (Christine), has been my best friend since second grade. For a mother of two kids and for someone who works full-time, you have way too much time on your hands. You are a funny one, Christine. Thanks for showing me this website. I'll try to take some pictures in Tacoma, there's plenty of good mattress sitings over there. And by the way folks, yes, she has always been this weird...Love ya Ween! Deb

kerry commented on 09.15.02
this image makes me sad.the lil fella looks like his mom forgot him at the supermarket and now he's lookin for her. very emotion provoking chritine

mudz commented on 09.03.02
I thought they started putting wings and velcro on these.

mr. commented on 08.30.02
four letters: c-u-t-e

heyhey commented on 08.30.02
also, i was curious if this cute one is attracted to one of the Untouchables. isn't that how life works?

heyhey commented on 08.30.02
i've been trying to put myself into the mind of this 'lil mattress. is it scared of the big world? isit happy to finally be free and independant?

krissy commented on 08.30.02
awww. cutest damn mattress i've ever seen. i want to take it home to mum & dad.

Ken commented on 08.28.02
This picture calls to me. I have set it as my desktop so I won't be drawn to the website constantly. It's becoming an obsession. The quiet solitude, the loneliness. I am weeping silently.

Pablo commented on 08.28.02
The dreaded sawn off mattress--lethal at close range and in confined spaces. Be afraid, be very afraid.

pmills commented on 08.27.02
it's too bad you didn't tag this mattress. it would have been interesting to track it down in a few years and see how much it's grown up. (btw, 5 more comments needed to tie with Most Commented)

doris commented on 08.26.02
Wasn't this used by MiniMe in the Austin Powers movies?

Ken commented on 08.26.02

Short shiny and pink
Waiting for the bus for school
Sad it's a short bus

Ken commented on 08.26.02
Is that a '56 Buick around the side of the building? How old is this picture?

Pablo commented on 08.18.02
Its a MORG--Mattress of restricted growth! Only nine more comments to go and beyond worthy of the first position--I never liked that no mattress picture anyway.

Rebecca commented on 08.18.02
Eager, perky, diminutive.

pmills commented on 08.18.02
just 11 more comments about this cute mattress and it will move into the most commented spot.

doris commented on 08.16.02
Tooo cute, I just love this one commented on 08.15.02
it's waiting for the bus on it's first day of school. a fresh young mattress ready to learn!

Pablo commented on 08.15.02
Somewhere out there is 3/4 of a mattress just aching to have its picture taken.

tikifish commented on 08.14.02
It looks like an ice cream sandwich. I want to eat it.