Tipped by the neighbour, on my way a left childcar, totally frozen, as me while taking the matt
Mats on da Move
wim commented on 01.18.05
Beware of the light when little ice elves turn you on. I am smaller than he is.
ART-chitect commented on 01.18.05
like a lightbulb I'm just waiting for you to do so CL!
ChristineLarsen commented on 01.17.05
Little ice elves turn me on.
ART-chitect commented on 01.17.05
don't worry Christine, ladies first so I will be polite as we all are, us little ice elfs
wim commented on 01.17.05
Just by the shadow, Christine, he is my child and yes, he is a happy little ice elf
ChristineLarsen commented on 01.16.05
You're creeping up on me, ART. Only 20 behind me now...yikes! I've had computer issues so I'd better start uploading and fast!
Hey...I love the little man in the shadow. Like a happy little ice elf!
wim commented on 12.31.04
I have the same mat, from another angle, and another day, without snow, but this one is yours only.