mattress counter
pulle - 12.23.04
submitter: wim rutten
location:Pulle, Belgium
A famous place in Belgium, due to the bridge, not the one standing now, but the one before, because it collapsed in the late 60-ties, with cars falling into the canal
category:Mats on da Move


Sleepeasy commented on 08.12.06
I know a someone somewhere with a very big, very happy smile on their face; someone glad to have a pear.

Smart Set commented on 08.11.06
Yes, it did. It had been "missing in Acton" (to coin a fraise) for about three weeks.

Sleepeasy commented on 08.11.06
Did it look lost?

wim commented on 08.10.06
fields forever

Smart Set commented on 08.10.06
I found a strawberry today.

ART-chitect commented on 02.14.05
I could only find a small document about that incident, look at underneath Strawberry Fields Forever-The Beatles.. "vandaag de dag.. 13 november 1966"

noonan commented on 12.31.04
You had a small error in your email address. All is well again.

wim commented on 12.31.04
hey noonan and adam, how come this one is not added in the showcase?