mattress counter
Tsunami Earthquake Disaster - 12.31.04
submitter: Vogon3
A horrific picture of some of the thousands of dead caused by the earthquake and tsunami that struck this week.

We can all help by making a donation to help all those suffering to
Medecins Sans Frontieres
Its easy to do just go to
and follow links how to donate.

MSF is an independent humanitarian medical aid agency committed to two objectives: providing medical aid wherever needed, regardless of race, religion, politics or sex and raising awareness of the plight of the people they help.
I will make a further donation of $1.00 for every comment this picture gets up to $200.00 lets do what we can to help.
category:streetmattress in media


absolutely free porn site free picture porn star war commented on 05.29.07
absolutely free porn site free picture porn star war

Datan0de commented on 05.09.06
Terrible and sad. Thanks for sharing, though. I can't imagine what those people went through.

Helen commented on 11.18.05

Ken commented on 06.07.05
A lot.

Ken commented on 06.07.05
earthquakes suck.

eeax commented on 06.05.05
I dont see no mattresses

Vogon3 commented on 03.19.05
Mattress Sans Frontieres....That is the essence of streetmattress...

Cool aid commented on 03.19.05
MSF- Mattress Sans Frontieres....75

KASbME commented on 03.09.05
They shouldn't give up. That's sad if they have. This last weekend my 6 yr old son was out washing cars in our neighborhood to raise money for the tsunami victums. This made me so PROUD when he told me he wanted to do that. So I think if a 6 year old is still thinking about them....we as adults should be too! comment 74

KASbME commented on 03.09.05
They still need our help! 72

Vogon3 commented on 03.09.05
everyone seems to have given up on this one

KASbME commented on 03.09.05
Why have the comments stopped?

granuaile commented on 03.04.05
70 :D

Nigel Wilson commented on 02.27.05
There's not much you can say that hasnt already been said.

Smart Set commented on 02.05.05

Vogon3 commented on 02.05.05

Smart Set commented on 02.05.05

Vogon3 commented on 02.05.05
I think he has a mark against my name allready but it ain't no gold star

? commented on 02.04.05
Why are you donating to a Trade Union?

ChristineLarsen commented on 02.04.05
Thank you for your contributions, Vogon3. I asked God to put a gold star next to your name. He said He'd think about it.

Vogon3 commented on 02.03.05
Sorry its $188.

Vogon3 commented on 02.03.05
i can't wait anymore so I have donated a further £100 to MSF that is $153.1

kyliebob commented on 01.27.05
good work.. they need all the help we can give :)

Mojoman commented on 01.24.05

nigel commented on 01.23.05
top chap

Vogon3 commented on 01.22.05

emma commented on 01.22.05
terrible- an other $ please

skippy commented on 01.21.05
America's favorite peanut butter (even available in Oz) supports the appeal - 55

ernesto morrison commented on 01.19.05
good idea!

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 01.19.05
251 mat lovers ???? 52comments where are the other 199 lovers ??? 53

Vogon3 commented on 01.19.05
Thanks Jaak 52

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 01.18.05
LETS HELP !!!! 51....

psychobabble commented on 01.16.05
...and 50...and counting

? commented on 01.16.05

Vogon3 commented on 01.16.05
Thanks rather $48

Vogon3 commented on 01.16.05
Thamks guys

Pablo commented on 01.16.05
Put a dollar in for Pablo please. Thank you.

ChristineLarsen commented on 01.16.05
How about another DOLLAR?

Vogon3 commented on 01.15.05

Smart Set commented on 01.14.05
Quarante-trois, on y va! That rhymes better, monsieur.

Bobby Le Chaps commented on 01.14.05
Quarante-deux. On y va!

DVD Dan commented on 01.13.05
Can you get Cholera from the internet? I've been sick all week. 41

Vogon3 commented on 01.12.05
none of your business.

Salinger commented on 01.11.05
how many dollars?

Vogon3 commented on 01.10.05
I still have Dollars from the US

Rebecca commented on 01.10.05
What I don't understand is the "$" denomination..aren't you in Britain, I mean, aside from Arizona?

Vogon3 commented on 01.09.05
Thanks again

Olivia commented on 01.09.05
welcome :)

Olivia commented on 01.09.05
and I think I'll just add one more...

Vogon3 commented on 01.09.05

Olivia commented on 01.09.05
how about another...

Olivia commented on 01.09.05
how horrible, "is this"...

anu commented on 01.09.05
my boyfriend has family and friends in India, I'm glad they're not near the southern part or on the island.

anu commented on 01.09.05
another comment, another dollar pledged,

anu commented on 01.08.05
these people need all the help they can get

bart commented on 01.07.05
damn, stupid browser! I didn't saw the comments :p

Bart commented on 01.07.05
weird, nobody gives a comment..

Vogon3 commented on 01.05.05
well done wim.......$25

wim commented on 01.05.05
jaak, it is the other way round, € 150 equals 199,12 $$. So this makes $$24

FOD40UK commented on 01.05.05
Hey, is someone keeping count?....Ah yes,we all are!...$$23

Smart Set commented on 01.05.05
I've been VERY BUSY. Watch this space. $22

Vogon3 commented on 01.05.05
Yes today. And looks like you have been busy while I was gone......$21

Smart Set commented on 01.05.05
You back in Acton, now, Vogon? 20 dollars.

Smart Set commented on 01.05.05
Already donated here: 19 dollars.

Vogon3 commented on 01.05.05
wim I didn't mean you had donated $14 that was the running total for comments.....$18

ChristineLarsen commented on 01.05.05
I saw so many potential street mat pictures from this horrible tragedy. As hard as it was not to submit them, I refrained. I hope this one picture does generate some money though! Thanks, Vogon for your efforts.

psychobabble commented on 01.05.05
the Tsunami events and experiences are beyond our comprehension.. the images we see, hear and read in the news reports are beyond words.. we should all do what little we can to help however, whenever, wherever ... Vogon is not exploiting - just highlighting, no more pictures - its been done but DO DONATE!

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 01.05.05
I think 150euro is 140$

Vogon3 commented on 01.05.05
No offence taken Wim and good to here you have donated elsewhere to $14.00

wim commented on 01.04.05
sorry, in that case, let us all comment

wim commented on 01.04.05
in tha

wim commented on 01.04.05
I have the same sort of pocket, thanks for the reassurance

Adam commented on 01.04.05
Not to worry, Streetmattress will not exploit this tragedy by allowing blatent pictures of suffering. This image was submitted and posted only to create an awareness of this horrible disaster. (and as far as 'sponsors'... we have none. I pay for everything outta pocket)

wim commented on 01.04.05
No hard feelings VOGON, no offense met, I can only hope noone else will submit pictures of this tragedy with floating mats

wim commented on 01.04.05
I had suggested not to submit any pictures from the tsunami disaster, as man should not be more cruel than nature. I donated my € 150 allready, but in all respect to all the victims of this disaster I pledge everyone not to submit; if this site is for one reason or other perhaps sponsored, I ask the sponsors to donate 1$ per submission

Rebecca commented on 01.04.05
The only positive thing I see in this catastrophe is the way the urge to help is transcending international boundaries.

psychobabble commented on 01.04.05
Well done Vogon 3!

ART-chitect commented on 01.04.05
Keep up the spirit

Vogon3 commented on 01.04.05
Thanks lets keep them coming feel free to use the address above aswell $4.00

DVD Dan commented on 01.04.05
Here is my two cents or rather your $3 bucks.

ChristineLarsen commented on 01.04.05
Not my favorite mattress picture but your heart is in the right place. $2.00 and counting!

FOD40UK commented on 01.04.05
A great idea, Vogon3!Heres one for starters.Good luck!